Through the online survey completed by both trainers and women, we were able to gather information on real-life situations that require financial skills and competencies. Trainers identified situations related to investments, loans, green investments, saving for the future, and financing big purchases. Specifically, trainers mentioned needing knowledge on when, how, why, and where to invest, choosing the best loan and calculating payments, understanding green investments and evaluating options, saving for the future, and financing large purchases such as a car, holidays, or an apartment.
When asked women about the specific real-life situations where they would require special knowledge and skills to solve, they identified the following:
· Strategies for saving more money
· Ways to increase income
· Selecting the most suitable insurance policy
· Properly managing a budget
· Making safe and profitable long-term investments
· Retirement planning through investing
· Debt repayment strategies
· Paying off a car loan
· Creating a savings plan
· Secure online shopping practices
· Trading on the stock market
· Obtaining long-term loans for necessary expenses.